Alpha is a good artist, but so is krinkels. He made all the sprites. Alpha just edits them to make characters (which are pretty awesome) Unless he draws trees, or guns or something apart from a character.
Loving Drum & Bass, Dubstep and everything inbetween!
Age 29, Male
Dirty Ice Records
Joined on 11/10/06
Alpha is a good artist, but so is krinkels. He made all the sprites. Alpha just edits them to make characters (which are pretty awesome) Unless he draws trees, or guns or something apart from a character.
i act random some of the time not all of the time :\
You have vista? YOU SUCK!
No, I has a mac. :D
Mac has the looks but vista helps. I have 10 viruses right now and vista keeps my PC running.
Holy shit, 10 viruses?
Talk about bad virus protectors. : |
Gettign em whiped soon.
Im lovin it so far. I saw the scene u sent Death yesterday IT'S AWSOME!
:D Yay
you know, some parts can really use some improvements, but overall it was awesome
fantastically !!
I need a poo
I finnally got a preview of Madness 808 up! :)
Go and check it out! Thanks. =D
I already have. The animation was decent. I enjoyed it.
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I am be likeing madness. <3 everyone excet those people i hate (You know who you are)
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A leak from A2
Posted by slipz10 [Edit]
Feb. 28, 2008 @ 11:42 AM EST
So I haven't been making enough posts people have been saying/nagging. So to keep you guys n'd gals updated, I'd just post a scene and a picture. I've been working quite hard on it and i'd just like to leak that it has dialog in it. Special thanks to Alpha-Nuva for the voices. Here's the scene. And look down for the picture.
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The People Have Spoken35 Comments
Feb. 28, 2008 | 11:44 AM DJTrickyM says:
Win some. I've seen the scene before. I hope the fight with batman..I mean, Robin goes cool.
Feb. 28, 2008 | 11:46 AM slipz10 responds:
What fight?
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What fight?
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Feb. 28, 2008 | 11:50 AM DJTrickyM says:
...You're blind, right? You can tell they are fighting.
Feb. 28, 2008 | 11:56 AM slipz10 responds:
Shut up now Mr.
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Shut up now Mr.
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Feb. 28, 2008 | 11:58 AM DJTrickyM says:
K also credit me for blood and guar-.. yeah
Feb. 28, 2008 | 12:43 PM slipz10 responds:
I'm giving you a page of credit.
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I'm giving you a page of credit.
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Feb. 28, 2008 | 2:15 PM illingworthproducts says:
great job it looks kooool
Feb. 29, 2008 | 2:29 AM slipz10 responds:
I know.
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I know.
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Feb. 28, 2008 | 2:53 PM DJHankcombatDJ says:
sweeeeet i love the sence fight dude
Feb. 29, 2008 | 2:29 AM slipz10 responds:
Use grammer. I didn't understand a word you said.
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Use grammer. I didn't understand a word you said.
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Feb. 28, 2008 | 7:33 PM SBP500 says:
The animation runs a lil' slow don't you think?
Feb. 29, 2008 | 2:28 AM slipz10 responds:
It's the website.
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It's the website.
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Feb. 28, 2008 | 9:55 PM Doregushin says:
My response to this whole thing: /coo kiemonster.gif
Feb. 29, 2008 | 2:28 AM slipz10 responds:
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Feb. 29, 2008 | 11:38 AM Eldinciric says:
nice anmation !!!!!!!!!! wach my madness movie bosnia
Mar. 1, 2008 | 4:56 AM slipz10 responds:
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Mar. 1, 2008 | 4:58 AM DJTrickyM says:
they love eachother so much, don't they. Look, bruce is feeling Robins tits. Lol
Mar. 1, 2008 | 5:00 AM slipz10 responds:
I love your mom so much ;)
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I love your mom so much ;)
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Mar. 1, 2008 | 5:01 AM DJTrickyM says:
I love your GF so much ;)
Mar. 1, 2008 | 7:28 AM slipz10 responds:
I love your GF too :)
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I need mo' commnts!
A2 look's cool. Does it have a hole in it? :3
Women have holes =D
I need details, how many frames, seconds, kills you have make? what the fps you use?
Frames in the total movie would be aproximatly 6000, I have about 184 seconds, about 70 kills so far, and I use 32 fps.
holy FUCK im not banned
anyways since im not i might as well apologize so hai sry for my fagness in the past
imma not flame now kk
What? You, apologise? How?
i Already did >:\